City Science Quest
Gather your wits and mobile devices, for your quest awaits… Uncover Atlanta’s innovations, discoveries, and STEM careers by completing missions from the comfort of your own home in this app-based scavenger hunt. Compete against other curious kids and adults as you submit photos, videos, and text evidence to earn points for completing missions. Prizes will be awarded! Registration gives you access to any or all of the three scheduled two-hour sessions; each session will offer new missions! The other sessions are scheduled on March 21 at 4pm and March 27 at 9am. You'll need a smart phone or tablet, wifi access, and some help may be required from family members. Adults should work together with elementary or middle school kids, but older players should be able to manage on their own. Upon registration, you will receive instructions from for how to access the game. Check your spam folders. “Curiosity - the rover and the concept - is what science is all about: the quest to reveal the unknown.” - Ahmed Zewail
Saturday, Mar 13
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Price: Free with adv registration
Capacity: unlimited
Earth & Space Science
Irreverent Fun
Life Sciences
Nature & Environment
Science & Society
COVID-19 Safety Measures
No COVID precautions necessary. This event is virtual.
Presenting partners
Science ATL